Seasonal recipes for today's kitchen


Strawberry Muffins

Strawberry Muffins

When spring arrives and fresh strawberries are abundant at the market, I love to bake a big batch of strawberry muffins.  Easy to put together, strawberry muffins bake up quickly and freeze well. So one recipe’s worth makes enough to share or to stash away–Read more

Huevos Oaxaca

Huevos Oaxaca

These days of staying put at home have led me to travel the world via recipes. And Colorado’s cold winter motivates me to find food inspired by sunny places—in this case, the warm climes of Mexico. We traveled to the southern Mexican city of Oaxaca–Read more

Baked Apple Cranberry Oatmeal

Baked Apple Cranberry Oatmeal

Waking up to a house that smells of apple pie spices is one way to welcome a day happily. When the spices are laced throughout an easy baked oatmeal brimming with tender apple pieces and tart dried cranberries, breakfast makes the day even better. My–Read more

Blueberry Bran Muffins

Blueberry Bran Muffins

We have a pair of muffin tins that have followed us from kitchen to kitchen since our college days. Bequeathed to us by our friend Dave when he was graduating from OU and shedding belongings, these pans still make me smile. They’re seasoned from years–Read more

Citrus-Kissed Fruit Compote

Citrus-Kissed Fruit Compote

Last weekend we celebrated a family birthday with a small but festive brunch. Our menu included a cheesy egg casserole along with crunchy green salad. Ellen contributed cornmeal drop biscuits and a beautiful chocolate and vanilla layer cake adorned with sprinkles. Somewhere within our meal–Read more

Power Waffles

Power Waffles

There’s something special about the smell of cinnamon in the air on a weekend morning. That was my thought when I decided to make special waffles—power waffles—to start our Saturday a couple weeks ago. The recipe, adapted from one by Rochelle Palermo and published in–Read more